
This error occurs when an unexpected issue arises on the client, Leyr, or EMR side that hasn't been previously encountered and mapped in our system. The status codes vary depending on the error source and type.

Example Response

    "code": "UNKNOWN_ERROR",
    "type": "https://docs.leyr.io/api/error-handling/unknown_error",
    "title": "Unknown error",
    "status": 401,
    "detail": "An unmapped error has occurred. Please contact our support team for immediate investigation.",
    "instance": "a7dd57f6-7848-4dc5-b9f8-187fb8ec6275"

Common Causes

  • First ever occurrence of an unmapped error in Leyr's error management system
  • Unexpected changes in EMR API behavior
  • Edge cases not previously encountered in production environments
This error message is tricky and is rather rare, as Leyr maintains a comprehensive mapping of both internally and EHR error messages.However, such error could happen if there is an error that was not documented by EHR, or if there is an unexpected change in the API.In all cases, we treat these errors as high priority for investigation.

Resolution Steps

To help resolve this error:

  1. Check the detail field in the response body. For EHR-originated errors, this field may contain valuable description of the request issues.
  2. Verify your request against our API Reference to ensure all required parameters are present and the request format matches the latest specification.
  3. Contact our support team at contact@leyr.io with:
    • The instance ID from the error response
    • A description of what you were trying to achieve