Use different Resource ID types in requests to Leyr

It is possible to use different types of resource IDs in requests to Leyr API. Get resource details, book appointments, create medical notes and documents using EHR IDs, HSA IDs and more.

Supported Resource ID types

Following resource ID types are generally supported.

  • EHR ID - internal identifier, used by EHR vendors internally
  • Norwegian Personal Number - national identity number in Norway
  • Swedish Personal Number - national identity number in Sweden
  • HSA ID - Hälso- och Sjukvårdens Adressregister identifier, specific to Sweden
  • Header - used to pass resource ID in the header parameter. Read more

Different EHR vendors support different types of resource IDs:

EHRSupported Resource ID Types
Acuity SchedulingEHR ID
Anita SystemsEHR ID
ClinikoEHR ID
EasyPracticeEHR ID
KaddioEHR ID
MilleniumEHR ID
MuntraEHR ID
Opus DentalEHR ID
PasientSkyEHR ID
PhysicaEHR ID
PridokEHR ID
ProrenataEHR ID
TakecareEHR ID
WebDocEHR ID, HSA ID, Swedish Personal Number

Use Resource ID types

Parameters, where Resource ID is used, and where the different types can be applied:

  • resource_id path parameter of Get Resource Details endpoint
  • resource_id query parameter in Get Appointments endpoint
  • resource_id field in JSON body of Create Appointment endpoint
  • resource_id path parameter of Get Resource Schedule endpoint
  • resource_id path parameter of Create Resource Schedule endpoint

Where resource_id is passed in, e.g.

GET /api/emrs/pasientsky/care-units/L0_10/appointments?resource_id=abc_12345


POST /api/emrs/webdoc/care-units/L0_1/resources/hsa_id:SE2321000131-E000000012345/schedules

as well as in all applicable cases mentioned above, it is possible to construct resource_id parameter, using the following structure:


where currently supported resource_id_type are:

  • emr_id
  • se_personal_number
  • no_personal_number
  • hsa_id


Examples of fully constructed resource_id are:

  • emr_id:abc_12345
  • se_personal_number:191212121212
  • no_personal_number:26258605879
  • hsa_id:SE2321000131-E000000012345
It is also possible to skip the prefix completely, e.g. by passing only abc_12345 as resource_id. In this case Leyr will treat it as emr_id, i.e. an internal Resource identifier, used by the target EHR system.

In practice this means emr_id:abc_12345 and abc_12345 are equivalent.


GET /api/emrs/pasientsky/care-units/L0_10/appointments?resource_id=emr_id:abc_12345

In this case Leyr will look for appointments for a resource, which internal EHR ID is abc_12345


POST /api/emrs/webdoc/care-units/L0_10/appointments

  "resource_id": "hsa_id:SE2321000131-E000000012345",
  "start_time": "2022-01-01T10:00:00",
  "end_time": "2022-01-01T10:30:00",
  "patient_id": "L0_12345",
  "healthcare_service_id": "L0_12345"

In this case Leyr will look up a resource using the HSA ID SE2321000131-E000000012345, and book an appointment with that resource.


GET /api/emrs/webdoc/care-units/L0_1/resources/se_personal_number:191212121212

In this case Leyr will look up a resource whose Norwegian Personal Number is 26258605879.


GET /api/emrs/webdoc/care-units/L0_1/resources/no_personal_number:191212121212

In this case Leyr will look up a resource whose Swedish Personal Number is 191212121212.

Nothing provided

GET /api/emrs/takecare/care-units/L0_10/appointments?resource_id=abc_12345

The value passed there is treated as emr_id. In this case Leyr will look for appointments for a resource, which internal EHR ID is abc_12345.

While Leyr never logs sensitive data (including resource IDs in URLs and query parameters), it's a known issue that some intermediary servers, DNS providers, and networking tools might log URLs or query parameters as part of their standard operation. To provide our customers with an additional layer of security when handling sensitive resource information, we've implemented the ability to pass resource IDs through headers instead of URLs or request bodies.

This header-based approach ensures that sensitive resource identifiers are less likely to appear in various system logs along the request path, as headers are typically handled with more discretion in logging systems.

To use a header reference, construct the parameter value using the following structure:


where header_name is the name of the header containing the actual resource ID.

In this case, Leyr will look for the resource ID in the header with the name header_name and take the value from there.


Using header reference in path parameter:

x-resource-id: se_personal_number:191212121212

GET /api/emrs/webdoc/care-units/L0_1/resources/header:x-resource-id

Using header reference in query parameter:

x-current-resource: hsa_id:SE2321000131-E000000012345

GET /api/emrs/webdoc/care-units/L0_10/appointments?resource_id=header:x-current-resource

Using header reference in request body:

x-referring-resource: emr_id:abc_12345

POST /api/emrs/pasientsky/care-units/L0_10/appointments
  "resource_id": "header:x-referring-resource",
  "start_time": "2022-01-01T10:00:00",
  "end_time": "2022-01-01T10:30:00",
  "patient_id": "L0_12345",
  "healthcare_service_id": "L0_12345"

The value in the referenced header must still be a valid resource ID format, as described in the beginning of this page.

For example, if your header contains a Swedish personal number, the header value should be se_personal_number:191212121212, and if you want to use EHR ID - it should be emr_id:abc_12345 or abc_12345 (which will be treated as an emr_id).