Reviewed: 8 July 2024
EasyPractice is an online booking and management software tailored for healthcare providers and therapists, streamlining administrative tasks like scheduling, invoicing, and client communication. The platform offers secure client record management, appointment handling, and payment processing, making it ideal for clinics, individual practitioners, and wellness centers.
EasyPracticeRequired credentials
If you want to integrate with EasyPractice in production or using your own credentials in Leyr Sandbox, we will ask you for following:
- Token
Getting EasyPractice token
- Login to your account at https://easypractice.net/
- From the top navigation menu go to "Apps" (https://system.easypractice.net/app/settings/apps)
- Scroll to the very bottom of the page, until you find the "Avansert" (Advanced) part
- Click on the "Aktiver" (Activate) button on the "API" card
- In the pop-up that appears, click on the "Aktiver" (Activate) button again
- Close the pop-up and you will be redirected back to the bottom of "Apps" page, where you see API card has now 2 buttons: "Instillinger" (Settings) and "Deaktiver" (Deactivate)
- Click on the "Instillinger" (Settings) button. You can also find the EasyPractice API configuration page under this url now - https://system.easypractice.net/app/settings/api/settings
- On the Settings page, locate the "Personlige API-nøkler" (Personal API-keys) card and press on the "Opprett ny API-nøkkel" (Create new API-key) button
- In the pop-up that appears check the following checkboxes:
- "Se, opprett, rediger og slett klienter" (See, create, edit and delete clients) - this will let you register new patients and get patients registered previously
- "Se kalendere" (See calendars) - this will let you list practitioners working at your clinics
- "Se, opprett, rediger og slett avtaler" (See, create, edit and delete agreements) - this will let you display, book, update and cancel appointments
- (Optional) If you are interested in Medical Notes integration - you should also check the "Se, opprett, rediger og slett journaler" (See, create, edit and delete journals) checkboxes, which will let you get and create medical notes with Leyr
- Provide the name for API key (for example, "Leyr Integration") and click on the "Opprett" (Create) button in the bottom of the pop-up
- In the new window that appears, you will see your API key
- Copy the key and enter it into the "EHR Token" field in Leyr developer portal
You are now ready to test and launch your integration with EasyPractice via Leyr. Check our API specification for implementation details.
Table of Contents