
Reviewed: 9 July 2024

PasientSky is a renowned EHR provider known for its robust and user-friendly electronic health record systems. Their platform supports more than 4 000 healthcare professionals in Norway in delivering high-quality care efficiently. Last year they were acquired by EG Healthcare, the leading supplier of industry-specific systems for the primary healthcare sector in Sweden, Denmark and Norway.


Required credentials

If you want to integrate with PasientSky in production or using your own credentials in Leyr Sandbox, we will ask you for following:

  • Care Unit ID


Getting PasientSky credentials

PasientSky requires a manual verification step from EG Healthcare. We do that for you. All you need to do is to reach out to us with the name of the clinic you are interested in connecting to. We will take care of the rest and get back to you with confirmed Care Unit ID.

Check our API specification for implementation details.