Opus Dental

Reviewed: 10 July 2024

Opus Dental is a leading Nordic dental EHR solution crafted over two decades, prioritizing simplicity and effectiveness in practice management with a comprehensive journal system and adaptable features tailored to practices of all sizes. Unify with Opus for efficiency in dental practice management.


Required credentials

If you want to integrate with Opus Dental in production or using your own credentials in Leyr Sandbox, we will ask you for following:

  • Base URL
  • API Key


Getting Opus Dental credentials

Prerequisite to get integration credentials for Opus Dental is to have Patient Connect module purchased (previously "Web Timebooking") https://www.opusdental.com/no/tilleggsprodukter_og_tjenester/tilleggsprodukter-fra-opus2/patient-connect/.

In case with Opus, your clinic representative will have to reach out to their technical contact at Opus to get the required credentials.

Base URL is the same as link to clinic's online booking page, e.g. https://{your-domain}.opusdentalonline.com.

Reach out to us at contact@leyr.io if you need help, and we'll guide you through the process!

Check our API specification for implementation details.