Smart Mock

We understand that sometimes you might want to try something out with an Electronic Health Record (EHR), but their test environment would not be available or lack the quality data. That's where mocking comes in handy. We've been working hard to provide a robust mocking solution that meets your needs, and we built a system we called "Smart EHR Mock".

What is mocking?

Mocking is the process of using simulated data to replicate a target system without actually interacting with that system. It's a powerful tool for testing and development, allowing you to work even when the real system is unavailable.

Our Focus Areas

When implementing Smart Mock, we've narrowed our focus to two key areas:

  1. Data Quality Different patient systems use different data formats. With Smart Mock, we don't just return dummy data. Instead, we mock on a "per system" level rather than a "full Leyr" level. This means that if one EHR has patient IDs in one format and another EHR uses a different format, we properly replicate those differences.
  2. Workflow Replication A common misconception is that the goal of mocking is to return data at any cost. In reality, our aim is to show how the whole workflow looks. This includes mocking certain error cases. For example:

If you try to book an appointment for a doctor that doesn't exist, you'll get an appropriate error message. If you attempt to get healthcare services for the wrong care unit, you'll receive the typical error response you'd get in a real scenario.

Smart Mocking

Our Smart Mock approach takes into account the differences between various EHR systems. Here are some examples of how mock values might differ per EHR: Care Unit IDs:

  • Opus: Use a UUID identifier (e.g. "L0_2776-430e9776-423d-4f86-8741-00f779421e6e")
  • TakeCare: Uses a simple numeric identifier (e.g "L0_1")

Healthcare Services:

  • Opus: Includes detailed description for services (e.g. "General Consultation - 30 minutes"), passed as a separate "description" field
  • WebDoc: Only provides a short name for services (e.g. "Consultation")

Time Slots:

  • WebDoc: Uses simple numeric identifiers for Healthcare Services and UUID identifiers for Resources (e.g. "1" and "c2578ad2-fbd4-49fc-9d88-e5caacf510ac")
  • TakeCare: Uses simeple numeric identifiers for both Healthcare Services and Resources (12 digits), prefixed with internal Care Unit ID (e.g. "0-1" and "0-000000000001")

By replicating system-specific nuances like these, Smart Mock ensures that you're working with data that closely resembles what you'd encounter in the real EHR system.

Continuity in Our Sandbox

Our main goal here was to ensure 100% continuity in our Sandbox environment. With Leyr's Smart Mock, you can keep testing even when the target EHR's test environment is down. This reliability allows you to maintain your development momentum without interruptions.

Our Smart Mock approach at Leyr is designed to provide you with a realistic, system-specific experience. By focusing on data quality and workflow replication, including error cases, we offer a robust solution for your EHR integration needs. Whether you're developing, testing, or just exploring, our Smart Mock capabilities ensure you're working with data and workflows that closely mirror the real thing.